Manslu Expedition

Manslu Expedition

Test your climbing skills on the varied and challenging terrain of Manaslu

35 Days
Altitude 8,163m
Region Gorkha Region
Difficulty Extreme Challenging
Group Size 2/15
Best Season Autumn


Mount Manaslu, also known as the "Mountain of the Spirit," is the eighth highest peak in the world, standing at 8,163 meters (26,781 feet) above sea level. Located in the Gorkha district of Nepal, Manaslu is a part of the Nepalese Himalayas and is renowned for its challenging yet rewarding climbing routes.

The name "Manaslu" comes from the Sanskrit word "Manasa," meaning "Mountain of the Spirit." The mountain is characterized by its steep faces, challenging terrain, and unpredictable weather conditions, making it a coveted destination for climbers seeking a formidable challenge.

Climbing Manaslu requires a high level of mountaineering skills, physical fitness, and acclimatization to the altitude. The climbing season typically sees a mix of seasoned climbers and adventure enthusiasts attempting to summit this majestic peak, drawn by its awe-inspiring beauty and the sense of accomplishment that comes with conquering one of the world's highest mountains.

The Summit Force facilitates Manaslu expeditions, providing all necessary infrastructures, including permits, documentation, accommodations, camp facilities, transportation, luggage and rope support, food, high-altitude provisions, quality tents, porters, professional Climbing Sherpas, oxygen, satellite telephone, walkie-talkie sets, counseling, and comprehensive assistance for a successful summit.

Altitude 8,163m
Region Gorkha Region
Difficulty Extreme Challenging
Group Size 2/15
Best Season Autumn


Day 1

Upon arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, the welcoming representatives of The Summit Force Expedition team will assist you and arrange for their transportation to the hotel. Today is dedicated as an arrival day with no planned activities, allowing the group to relax or independently explore nearby attractions. An informal gathering is planned for the evening in the hotel lobby. A welcome dinner will be hosted, and a briefing about the expedition.
Day 2

In the morning after breakfast around 9 AM, Summit Force hosts a brief introduction session in the hotel lobby in Kathmandu, where you will meet our expedition leader. With an extensive climbing history on Mt. Manaslu and other eight-thousander peaks. He will brief you on the upcoming climbing program, check all necessary climbing gear, and complete all official formalities. After the session, you can visit nearby heritage and religious sites at your leisure before returning to the hotel to rest for the day.
Day 3

After early breakfast at the hotel, a Summit Force guide will come to pick you up and board you in private transport. Then, the journey begins traveling through the Kathmandu-Pokhara Highway up to Dumre. At Dumre the road U-turns and drives further along the Marsyangdi River, passing through the low-lying villages and rice fields. After 5 hours long drive on the blacktopped road, you will finally reach Besi Sahar which is the capital of the Lamjung District.
Day 4

Today after breakfast your guide will come to pick you up from the hotel. Then, you will take a local jeep to reach Dharapani. It will be the first day of your journey to Dharapani from Besisahar by road. During the drive, you will notice a difference in the people's way of life and their villages like Tal as you pass through. At the village of Tal, you will see the local communities that are said to have migrated from Tibet a long time ago.
The journey gives insight into the magnificent vistas of terraced farms, rivers, and typical Nepali villages. From the end of the valley above Tal, the road ascends steeply initially and then descends across the mountainside to Dharapani. Overnight at lodge
Day 5

Leaving Dharapani behind, we will now head out to Tilje alongside the Marsyangdi River. The route from Dharapani to Tilje passes through the Annapurna Conservation area, where you might see unique wild animals. The most common wild animals you can see during the trek are Barking deer, Wild bears, and Langur monkeys. The species of birds, including pheasants, eagles, vultures, and owls, are commonly seen. However, among the wild animals, you may see monkeys along the route to Tilje. On the way, you will walk through the rhododendron forest, and many beautiful settlements of the Annapurna region before reaching Tilje. The distance that we will cover on the trek from Dharapani to Tilje is 7.8 km and it will take will around 2-3 hours. The specific time depends on the walking speed of each trekker. Overnight at lodge
Day 6

Today is the sixth day of our Expedition journey. It will be a pleasant hike through the sub-tropical jungle and villages. People in villages are mostly engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. You are likely to see a herd of sheep, cows, and yaks. Before we reach Toemro village (2,616 m) we will have the first view of Mount Manaslu on the right side.
The trail keeps going through the jungle with the sound of birds and raging river to the Karche (2,700m) and walk further across the bridge to get to Yak Kharka, where you will have lunch. We will not get a proper place to get meals unless we reach Bhimthang. After having lunch, we will continue our trek further. Finally, we will reach a tiny valley at Bhimtang after a 4 to 5 walk from Tilje. Overnight at lodge
Day 7

After breakfast, you will explore the Bhimtang area, carrying personal gear and drinking water. Bhimtang is a stunning location surrounded by White Mountains, often referred to as the "bowl of silver." The main highlights of Bhimtang include Ponkar Lake, Ponkar Glacier, and Suti Glacier. Walking above Ponkar Lake, you will reach a viewpoint offering views of several peaks, including Manaslu North (7,157m), Lamjung Himal (6,983m), Larkya Peak (6,249m), Himlung Himal (7,126m), and Cheo Himal (6,812m).

Our guide will take you to the junction of three glaciers: Kechakyu, Suti, and Ponkar, arranged in a clockwise direction. The Suti Glacier is hidden by the Tibikle Panlemu Danda ridge to the west. The trail leads through and around the larger Ponkar Tal, located between the central and third moraines, and the medial Nayamlo Tal, situated between the first two moraines. After exploring the surroundings, we will return to Bhimtang for an overnight stay at a lodge.
Day 8

We will begin our trek to Samdo early in the morning to cross over Larke Pass as quickly as possible and avoid the wind chill factor at the summit. While the Larke Pass trail is one of the longest, it is not as technical as most high passes in Nepal. However, walking on glaciers while crossing the pass can be challenging, so physical fitness and previous climbing experience are recommended. After crossing the pass, we will descend the gravel trail and arrive at the wide valley of Samdo. Here, we can enjoy the stunning views of the snowy peaks.

Samdo Village, situated at an altitude of around 3,875 meters above sea level, experiences a generally cold and challenging climate. The village is predominantly inhabited by the Bhotia community, an ethnic group with close cultural and historical ties to Tibet. The Bhotias follow Tibetan Buddhism and have preserved their traditional customs and practices, which can be observed in the village's monasteries, prayer flags, and chortens. We will stay overnight at a lodge in Samdo.
Day 9

The trail between Samdo and Samagaun is not very challenging. While trekking this route, you will pass through pastureland where you can watch yaks grazing. The path winds through a lush forest filled with juniper and birch trees, offering a mesmerizing landscape close to the Tibetan border. The trekking route is relatively short, taking about 4 to 5 hours. Along the way, you will be able to enjoy the natural beauty that creates a sense of heavenly pleasure. After this pleasant hike, you will reach Samagaun, where you will stay overnight at a lodge.
Day 10

Today we will enjoy a fantastic relaxation day in Samagaun. Instead of spending the day at the lodge, we will explore the nearby village and visit neighboring hilltops to acclimate and take in the stunning surroundings. Samagaun is renowned for its breathtaking views and cultural richness.

If you’re feeling well, you could take a side trip to the Pungen Monastery. In the village, you will have the chance to observe the local lifestyle, with yaks grazing and the community engaged in their daily activities. Remember to stay hydrated and take it easy as your body adjusts to the high altitude.

You can also visit the Pung Gyan Gumba, a historical site on the eastern side of Mt. Manaslu, or hike up to Bhimtang Lake, a viewpoint offering beautiful surroundings. After exploring Samagaun and its environs, we will return to the lodge for an overnight stay.
Day 11

Today after breakfast we will trek up to Manaslu base camp (4500m), covered in snow, to have a look at the spectacular views of Manaslu, glaciers, and lakes. You will trek gently as the trails are steep and rocky up to Manaslu Base Camp. The trails are a bit difficult with a sharp incline above the glacial moraines. On arrival at base camp, you will meet up with the Sherpa crew who will accompany you to the summit. They will look after the overall preparation from setting up camps and cooking to carrying oxygen cylinders and other necessary climbing gear. Overnight stay at Camps
Day 12-30

Finally, your climbing and summit day has arrived after 11 days of trekking. The climbing period spans about 19 days, including the descent to Manaslu Base Camp (4,800m).

Before climbing, you will stay at base camp for a few days to acclimatize and prepare yourself physically and mentally. You will ascend to Camp I and then descend, repeating this process at different level camps to help your body adjust to the elevation.

This cycle of ascending and descending will continue until you are ready to make the final push to the summit of Manaslu Peak (8,163 meters). After reaching the summit, you will descend back to base camp. You will stay at base camp until all the garbage is cleaned up, ensuring that the area is left as pristine as possible.
Day 31

Finally, your climbing and summit day has arrived after 11 days of trekking. The climbing period spans about 19 days, including the descent to Manaslu Base Camp (4,800m).

Before climbing, you will stay at base camp for a few days to acclimatize and prepare yourself physically and mentally. You will ascend to Camp I and then descend, repeating this process at different level camps to help your body adjust to the elevation.

This cycle of ascending and descending will continue until you are ready to make the final push to the summit of Manaslu Peak (8,163 meters). After reaching the summit, you will descend back to base camp. You will stay at base camp until all the garbage is cleaned up, ensuring that the area is left as pristine as possible.
Day 32

Today we’ll wake up early, pick up the trash, and set out down along the trail to transfer the first batch of waste (the biodegradable and non-biodegradable) out of the mountains to the recycling organization to be recycled and otherwise disposed of. From the base camp, we will follow a descending trail to Sama Goan following the spiritual trails alongside colorful praying flags, religious inscriptions of the mani walls, and the stunning chortens. When you eventually get to the Samagaun village for the night halt, you will enjoy strolling across the wide Yak pasture with expansive views of the Himalayas.
Day 33

Today is the end of the trek in the mountains. You may return to Kathmandu either by taking a Heli flight directly to Kathmandu on a cost-sharing basis amongst the expedition members or also possible for members to go by jeep from Dharapani and use onward vehicle service to Kathmandu. It takes approximately 17-18 hours to drive. The helicopter flight from Sama Goan to Kathmandu is a fantastic experience for all the passengers on board. Within an hour, you can witness some of the highest mountains on earth. The aerial view of the landscape is exquisite, allowing you to see the change from vibrant lush green hills, terraced fields, and blossoming wild forests to coniferous forests and Rocky Mountains. All of this is set against the backdrop of the majestic blue sky.
Day 34

In Kathmandu, you will have the entire day to relax today. You may have a wonderful day in Kathmandu following your successful ascent of Mount Manaslu. Summit Force will organize a Farewell dinner at a traditional Nepalese restaurant in the evening. After dinner, you will be taken to your hotel
Day 35

Today marks the end of your stay in Nepal. You will be picked up from the hotel and transferred to the Tribhuvan International Airport as per your flight departure time. As you board your flight, bid a fond farewell to our Himalayan Country, taking with you the memories of the snow-capped peaks, beautiful scenery, and the warm smiles of the people you have encountered along the way. Nepal will always hold a special place in your heart, and until we meet again, carry the beauty and charm of this land with you.

Service Includes

Transportation Services:

  • Airport transfers for both international and domestic flights
  • All transportation expenses for the expedition crew throughout the entire journey
  • Land transportation between Kathmandu and Dharapani
  • Shared helicopter service from Samagaon to Kathmandu for the return journey

Permits, Fees, and Insurance:

  • Expedition royalty and necessary permit fees
  • Summit route fixing charges
  • Government liaison officer's fees
  • Accident, medical, and helicopter rescue insurance for Nepali staff
  • Garbage management and disposal fees
  • Government taxes

Logistics and Equipment:

  • Porters to carry up to 45 kg per member to and from the Base Camp
  • Equipment provisioning such as glamping dome tents, dining tents, kitchen tents, communication tents, shower tents, and toilet tents, tables, chairs, heaters, etc.
  • High-altitude equipment including high tents, shovels, ropes, EPI gas, gas burners, high-altitude food, etc.
  • Oxygen supply: 3 bottles for each member and 2 bottles for climbing Sherpa
  • Summit masks and regulator sets for each member and climbing Sherpa, with extras available during the summit day if needed
  • Meals and beverages provision including continental, Nepali, Indian, and Chinese cuisine, hot drinks, tea, coffee, fresh fruits, canned beverages, energy drinks, light snacks
  • Welcome and farewell dinners in Kathmandu
  • Generators or solar systems for charging electronic devices
  • Gas heating systems in dining areas at base camp
  • Comfortable foam mattresses
  • Company duffel bags if required

Support Services:

  • 1 Professional Sherpa with his equipment allowance, insurance and daily wages
  • Assistance with obtaining permits and documentation
  • Walkie-talkies for climbing communication
  • Satellite phones for emergency calls
  • Assistance with international flight changes
  • Weather forecasting services
  • First aid medical kits

Contact us for any further assistance or details on any specific service!

Service Excludes

  • International flight tickets
  • Nepal entry visa fee (applicable for 90 days)
  • Bank/wire transfer fees (if applicable)
  • Lunch and dinner during your stay in Kathmandu
  • Personal travel insurance and high-altitude insurance (covering accident, medical, and emergency rescue evacuation)
  • Personal trekking and climbing gear
  • Expenses for phone calls, internet usage, laundry, alcoholic beverages, etc.
  • Drone and special filming permits
  • Summit bonus for personal climbing Sherpa (US $1200.00)
  • Tips for the kitchen crew, suggested minimum $200.00 per member
  • Any additional service costs not included in the package

Contact us for any further assistance or modifications.

Trip Notes

High Altitude: Mt. Manaslu stands at 8,163 meters (26,781 feet), making it the eighth highest mountain in the world. Climbers need to be prepared for extreme high-altitude conditions.

Multiple High Camps: The ascent involves establishing multiple high camps (usually at Camp I, II, III, and IV) to facilitate acclimatization and manage the challenging conditions of the climb.

Altitude Acclimatization: Proper acclimatization is crucial due to the high altitude. Climbers typically spend several weeks at various altitudes, including acclimatization days at base camp and higher camps, to minimize the risk of altitude sickness.

Summit Push: The final summit push involves a steep and technical climb through the "death zone," where the oxygen levels are significantly lower, making every step challenging and requiring advanced climbing skills.

Technical Climbing: The climb features technical challenges including navigating icefalls, snow and ice slopes, and rock sections. This requires climbers to have advanced mountaineering skills and experience with high-altitude climbing.

Weather Conditions: Weather conditions at high altitudes can be harsh and unpredictable. Climbers must be prepared for extreme cold, strong winds, and rapid weather changes, which can affect the climb and the safety of the expedition.

Physical Endurance: Climbing Mt. Manaslu demands excellent physical fitness and stamina. The long days of climbing and the need to carry heavy loads to high camps require both physical strength and mental resilience.

Oxygen Supply: Supplemental oxygen is often used during the final ascent, especially above 7,000 meters, to aid in breathing and reduce the risk of altitude-related complications.

Altitude Sickness Risks: Climbers are at risk for altitude sickness, including symptoms like headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Proper acclimatization, hydration, and monitoring are essential to mitigate these risks.

Summit Window: The summit attempt is usually planned during a narrow weather window, often in the spring (April to May) or autumn (September to October), when conditions are most favorable. This requires careful timing and flexibility.


FROM 2024-09-05
TO 2024-10-05


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