Mount K2 8,611m

K2 Expedition

K2, standing at 8,611m, is the world second-highest mountain!!

40 Days
Altitude 8,611m
Region Karakoram region
Difficulty Extreme Challenging
Group Size 2+
Best Season Summer / winter


K2, soaring at 8,611 meters, is the world's second-highest mountain, straddling the China-Pakistan border in the Karakoram Range. It is renowned for its steep and technical terrain, earning a reputation as one of the most challenging peaks to climb. The Abruzzi Spur route is the most popular path to the summit, where numerous successful international expeditions have navigated its treacherous slopes.

Ascending K2 involves confronting wind-packed snow and scaling about 300 meters towards the summit ridge, which offers a stunning panoramic view of Mount Gasherbrums (I-VII), Masherbrum, Mustagh Tower, and Chogolisa. The summit stands approximately 650 vertical meters above Camp 4, positioned between 7,520 meters and 8,000 meters.

Traversing this avalanche-prone route demands meticulous caution, earning K2 the moniker "The Savage Mountain" due to its hazardous ascent and the highest fatality rate among the world's 8,000-meter peaks. Our K2 expedition typically spans eight weeks from and to Islamabad, with possible extensions up to ten weeks, depending on prevailing weather conditions. Following a successful summit, we undertake a thrilling traverse through the 6,000-meter-high Gondogoro Pass before descending to the lush Hushe valley, culminating in Skardu.

K2, also known as Mount Godwin-Austen, is the second highest mountain in the world, standing at 8,611 meters (28,251 feet) above sea level. It is located in the Karakoram Range on the China-Pakistan border.

Altitude 8,611m
Region Karakoram region
Difficulty Extreme Challenging
Group Size 2+
Best Season Summer / winter


Day 1

Welcome to Pakistan / Islamabad

Day 2

Fly to Skardu

Day 3

Rest day at Skardu

Day 4

Expedition briefing and Preparations

Day 5

Drive to Askole

Day 6

Askole to Jola

Day 7

Johla to Paju

Day 8

Paju to Khoburtse

Day 9

Khoburtse to Urdukas

Day 10

Acclimatization at Urdukas

Day 11

Urdukas to Goro II

Day 12

Goro II to Cncordia

Day 13

Concodia to Broad peak base camp

Day 14

Broad peak BC to K2 BC

Day 15-40

Climbing period of K2

Day 41

Cleaning of base camp

Day 42

K2 base camp to Goro II

Day 43

Goro II to Khoburtse

Day 44

Khuburtse to Mundung

Day 45

Mundong to Askole

Day 46

Askole to Skardu

Day 47

Fly to Islamabad

Day 48

Free Day in Islamabad

Day 49


Service Includes

Transportation Services:

  • Airport transfers for both international and domestic flights
  • All transportation expenses for the expedition crew throughout the entire journey
  • Flight from Islamabad - Sakrdu - Islamabad

Permits, Fees, and Insurance:

  • Expedition royalty and necessary permit fees
  • Summit route fixing charges
  • Government liaison officer's fees
  • Accident, medical, and helicopter rescue insurance for Nepali staff
  • Garbage management and disposal fees
  • Government taxes

Logistics and Equipment:

  • Porters to carry up to 45 kg per member to and from the Base Camp
  • Equipment provisioning such as dining tents, kitchen tents, communication tents, shower tents, and toilet tents, tables, chairs, heaters, etc.
  • High-altitude equipment including high tents, shovels, ropes, EPI gas, gas burners, high-altitude food, etc.
  • Oxygen supply: 5 bottles for each member and 3 bottles for climbing Sherpa
  • Summit masks and regulator sets for each member and climbing Sherpa, with extras available during the summit day if needed
  • Meals and beverages provision including continental, Nepali, Indian, and Chinese cuisine, hot drinks, tea, coffee, fresh fruits, canned beverages, energy drinks, light snacks
  • Welcome and farewell dinners in Islamabad
  • Generators or solar systems for charging electronic devices
  • Gas heating systems in dining areas at base camp
  • Comfortable foam mattresses
  • Company duffel bags (if required)

Support Services:

  • Assistance with obtaining permits and documentation
  • Walkie-talkies for climbing communication
  • Satellite phones for emergency calls
  • Assistance with international flight changes
  • Weather forecasting services
  • First aid medical kits

Contact us for any further assistance or details on any specific service!

Service Excludes

  • International flight tickets
  • Pakistan entry visa fee (applicable for 90 days)
  • Bank/wire transfer fees (if applicable)
  • Lunch and dinner during your stay in Islamanad and Skardu
  • Extra night in Islamabad and Skardu due to early arrival or departure
  • Personal travel insurance and high-altitude insurance (covering accident, medical, and emergency rescue evacuation)
  • Personal trekking and climbing gear
    Expenses for phone calls, internet usage, laundry, toiletries, alcoholic beverages, etc.
  • Drone and special filming permits
  • Summit bonus for personal climbing Sherpa (US $2000.00)
  • Tips for the kitchen crew, suggested minimum $250.00 per member
  • Any additional service costs not included in the package

Contact us for any further assistance or modifications.

Trip Notes

Technical Difficulty: K2 is known for its technical challenges, including steep rock faces, icefields, and the infamous "Bottleneck" section—an ice chute with the potential for serac falls. The climb requires advanced skills in rock and ice climbing, as well as high-altitude mountaineering.

Extreme Weather: The weather on K2 is notoriously unpredictable and harsh. Climbers face high winds, severe cold, and frequent storms, which can significantly impact the climb and require flexibility in expedition planning.

High Altitude: At over 8,600 meters, K2 presents extreme altitude challenges. Climbers often experience severe altitude sickness and must be well-acclimatized to handle the thin air and low oxygen levels in the "death zone."

Climbing Route: The standard route is the Abruzzi Spur, which involves several camps at progressively higher altitudes. The route is challenging due to its technical nature and the need to navigate through seracs and steep ice fields.

Physical and Mental Stamina: Climbing K2 demands exceptional physical fitness and mental resilience. The expedition involves long days of climbing, carrying heavy loads, and enduring the psychological stress of high-altitude conditions.

Acclimatization: Proper acclimatization is crucial for success on K2. Climbers spend several weeks on the mountain, moving between base camp and high camps to adapt to the altitude before attempting the summit.

Seasonal Window: The optimal climbing season for K2 is generally in the summer months of July and August, when the weather conditions are relatively more stable. However, climbers must be prepared for rapid weather changes and potential delays.

Support and Logistics: Given the mountain's remoteness and difficulty, climbing K2 typically requires a well-organized support team, including local guides, porters, and logistical support to manage the complex aspects of the expedition.

Safety Considerations: Due to its high risk, climbing K2 requires strict safety measures. The risk of avalanches, rockfalls, and altitude-related illnesses necessitates careful planning and adherence to safety protocols.

Stunning Scenery: Despite its challenges, K2 offers breathtaking views of the Karakoram Range and surrounding peaks. The stunning landscapes and dramatic scenery provide a rewarding backdrop to the grueling climb.


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